Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sunday, July 1 DAY 3

Well at midnight I woke up and felt like it was time to get up. That would be around 11 am in Texas. By 4 am Dylan and I are both up. That would be 3 in the afternoon if we were home. Pretty good for the first night. The guide said despite how tired you are 3- 3:30 seems to be when most people wake on the first day. WESTERN (yeah) breakfast starts at 6:30 here and then we are off to the forbidden city/great wall. I will add pictures to these posts when we get to Guangzhou.

We love you guys. Even if you don't know us and you are sharing this journey with us we appreciate it. This is the last night the 3 of us will go to sleep without our precious Madi. Dylan pointed that out to me a second ago. He’s going to be the best big brother in the world. He amazes me.

Saturday, June 30 DAY 2

We are here. Our guide is so cute and sweet. It was a relief to get with her at the airport. Once we got through customs, exiting the airport was a mad house. Yes we SHOULD have taken pictures but I didn’t want to have the camera out, plus it was hectic to keep our eyes on our group. Kudos to the Rice’s and whoever thought of us wearing those bright orange shirts at the airport. It was a lifesaver to be able to find our group in the sea of people.
Dylan was GREAT on the plane. (By the way, comparing Labor with Dylan and the flight to China – I would chose labor, my gosh that was hard.) When we got to dinner the first night everything caught up with Dylan. Terrible plane food, staying up all night and I think just stress. He and I had to leave in the middle of dinner and walk back to the hotel because his stomach hurt so bad. He slept it off and woke up great. More on that in the next post. One last thing. Jeff went to the store and he got 3 waters and a bottle of sprite for less than a US dollar. So water for everyone for souveniers (just kidding)

Friday, June 29 DAY 1

We left our house at 4am, Lacy was there early to pick us up and we got off without any problems. Security was fast and fine – every plane was on time. God was with us. We assumed we would fly from Chicago across the US and then across the Pacific to get to China, not the case. We heads straight north from Chicago – going across arctic territory. The other thing interesting to us, I guess because of the significant amount of time difference the sun was up and bright our whole flight. We went from noon Friday to 3pm on Saturday afternoon in China with the sun never going down.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Using The blog...

I've done a simple change in the archiving so that only the three newest posts will show on the first page. If you want to see a post that isn't visible look on the right hand side under "Previous" you can click any of those links to see previous posts.

For those of you following us on this journey we thank you so much for your faithfulness and support. We are grateful for the friendships that have passed the time during these last two years. The next post you see will either be us on our way to get her, or us with her. We are finally here ! Keep us in your prayers we are days away from the journey of a lifetime.
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19.21