Sunday, July 15, 2007

Home at Last !

We are home..yeah. We are struggling with the time change so I have failed to take very many pictures. I will pick upon that soon. I'm posting what I have. We had to go to Walmart first thing because of so many things we didn't have - or had but it was dirty/packed. You'll notice Madi didn't have any pj's for her first night home so she's already in falcon gear to sleep in. She was great at the airport with Aunt Lacy and when we got home the grandparents were all there and she was good with them also. The only struggle right now is trying to find something of substance that she will eat....
See the link to "The Lumsden Four" or click here for our new family blog. Since our journey to bring Madi home is complete we will start a new blog of our family life as a foursome. Thank you for following our journey here...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wed, July 11

We purchase internet by the week or by the hour. When ours expired we only had a few days left so we didn't purchase another few week. This will be our final post before we leave for home. Here in China it is Thursday around noon and we have 2 meals and one sleep to go then we come home. Since the last post we have shopped on the busiest street in Guangzhou which puts any place I've been in the US in slow motion....even China town in New York City. We took our group photos and took pictures of a few of the local vendors who really go out of their way to get to know you by name. See everyone soon !

These are all the babies from our group. 10 families and all the babies are under 1 year except for Madi.

This is our entire group...

Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, July 9

Today we started with something really fun. Madi's medical examination. It was so minimal, listen to chest, look in ears, throat, weigh and measure. But she threw and absolute fit at each of the 3 stations. Poor Dr. McDowell when we bring Madi home for immunizations. That will be fun. Dylan was invited to stay in the hotel and play with Adam. He is a boy about 2 years younger than Dylan put has provided him with some companionship and friendship on the trip.

After that we shopped a little with families from our group on the way back to the hotel and then in the afternoon we went to the temple. The babies who went were given a blessing wishing them safe travel home and happiness in their new homes. The blessings were given by a Buddhist monk. Elvin stressed that this was not us practicing the Buddhist religion. It was to honor the traditions of our babies homeland and to experience some Chinese culture. We are strong enough in our faith to know that any good wishes put upon us are gifts from our God who we know holds all the power and strength. Tomorrow is red couch pictures, shopping and group dinner. We board our first plan for home in 72 hours from the time I am posting this. We miss everyone and everything so much ! Everyone go right now and drink some water straight from the tap and then thank God for where you are at. China is wonderful, I respect Madi's homeland so much, but it is very different. We are so blessed at home with little things like brushing your teeth and rinsing your toothbrush off straight in the tap. Okay - I'm homesick and we will see you guys soon.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Sunday, July 8

We had a very peaceful day today. We strolled around a little, went to Starbucks, then late afternoon the rest of our group arrived in Guangzhou with their precious little babies. We took a late night swim with some people in the group and got some great pictures across the Pearl River. Tomorrow we will have some tours and hopefully some pictures of Chinese life. We are going to a temple to get all the babies a Chinese blessing.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Saturday, July 7

This morning we went to the park where Madi was found. Above is the park gate and us with our driver and the van we have traveled around the area in.

We met an older gentlemen from the village near the park and he told us all about the park, it's recent renovations and where to find the gates. We asked if he would take his picture with us. Elvin translated that he was very honored to have his picture made with "foreigners", in his long life this was the first time. He asked if Elvin could please bring him a copy. That if he came to Beishan, everyone in the village knew him and would know where to find him. So we will send the picture back and Elvin is so great he is going to find this man again to deliver the picture....The park was surrounded by factories now and Elvin said even 2 years ago it was probably mostly farmland.

Dylan is being such a trooper. Honestly, for a 10 year old when we aren't out on tours this vacation is not that interesting. We are mainly in the hotel learning to know Madi. Dylan is watching old Michael Jordan NBA games and sports follies. Exactly what he would be doing if we were home. Don't get me wrong, he is having an awesome trip, but it is long for all of us !

Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday, July 6

Today was a free day. Tomorrow Elvin has found the local park where Madi was left by her birth mother. He has arranged for us to hire a driver and is using his day of to take us there. I can't stress enough what a Godsend that Elvin is.

Some events of the day:

Window washers appeared outside our window. We are on the 14th floor of a 28 story building. They were not in a holder, they were just attached to a rope contraption and had a bucket attached to their rope. They were laughing at the crazy American woman who was waving and taking pictures (yes that was me)

We swam again. Madi LOVED it today. I noticed after I took about 50 pictures the other day it says not cameras at the pool so I couldn't take pictures today. She would throw her head all the way underwater and come up laughing hystercially...She loves to splash Dylan using both feet and arms. She really was hysterical and cute. She had both life guards, us and even the very serious security guards laughing out loud.

I took some pictures out in the streets. Remember - where we are right now is different, but I can capture more of Chinese life later this week when we go into the City for our tours..I also took a picture of Lucy's ...We are still living on grill cheese. Thank God that we found it, really, eating is a struggle for us here.

We read a book on our hotel some notable quests are President Nixon, President George Bush Sr. , Queen Elizabeth...We are turly in the most wonderful hotel.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Thurs, July 5

Today we got to visit the SWI where Madi is from. It was hard on everyone, especially Madi and her "Chinese Mamma" and I. But what we take from the experience is seeing how much she was loved, and pictures that will be so important to Madi in the future. We were able to take a bag of suckers and give theme to the children while we were there which was really fun to give to them. The children were happy, in classrooms doing music and other things you would find in a daycare. Here orphanage's nanny's are from an organization called "Half the Sky". It is a charitable organization that trains nanny's how to care for children where they are not only physically secure but emotionally also. They give much love and thank God that he put them there, not just for Madi but all the happy children we saw. When we get home we will post a link for their webpage. This would be a great organization to make donations to. I knew of them before, but I did not know that they had touched Madi's life. You may recognize from the pictures above that we also got to take pictures as a family in the exact same spots her referral pictures were taken. You can only see the top of the swing because we were giants standing next to it.

Picture 1 - Us and the one of the SWI directors.

Picture 2 -The lady in yellow is one of Madi's main Nanny's. She loved this lady and went to her, but did not want to stay with her. Wanted me or Daddy to take her back after a quick hug. You can see in the pictur something a little funny. She insists on wearing my watch...

Picture 3 -The lady in yellow is Madi's Chinese Mamma - the Nanny she loves so much. Madi was sobbing, I was sobbing, the Nanny was sobbing. This was the most emotional moment and I cannot describe it in a way to give it justice. This woman made us a little book with a few pictures and a note from her in the front. Our guide is translating that for us. It talks about how happy she is that she has such a warm friendly family but to not forget her and how much she loves her..Priceless !

I can't put any pictures of the children on the web page...

Madi is very headstrong - she is a daddy's girl when it is bed time and everyone else she wants to go away. I've also included a picture of her having her snack before bedtime leaning on Jeff and the look on her face is her look that means everyone else go away ! She wants me in cars and at meal time, but something about sleeping is all about Jeff since the 3rd day.

See you guys soon. We come home in 1 week. We are HUNGRY !

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Just some cute pictures - Random

By the way...Jeff just bought a Tshirt. In China he is an XXXXL.

Wed, July 4

Happy 4th. We have found that we have a little firecracker ourself. Around 10 am China time little Madi came to life. POW ! She is full of energy, laughs, giggles. Our guide was amazed when we were riding to get her passport today. He said he usually sees this type of change but not on the 3rd day the family is together. Her smile is awesome...Huge dimples. I haven't caught the best example of it yet. Once she came to life in our room today it immediately felt much smaller than before we went to a playroom provided by the hotel with lots of toys and open space...then we napped and ate and headed off to the police station. Where she was crazy !!! You guys just wait. It may take time for her to open up to you, but it is so worth it !

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tuesday, July 3 DAY 5

So many things have worked out to be ther perfect way for this trip to be. During this time of the trip we are staying in an area called Shaiman Island. It was at one time given to Britain and was a colony so the buildings are mostly british colonial. Additionally, the main hotel is the White Swan which is where we are staying. It hosts many "foreign" (not just American) families while they are adopting since every family adopting babies in China have to come to Guangzhou. So for these days of our trip, we walk around unnoticed because the people here are so used to families like ours. Also it is very safe. This small island has both a police station and a military station. We are able to stroll around, shop, there is a beautiful park and feel very safe and at home. Next week we will go into the city and tour and that will be the first time we have had Madi that we will draw a lot of attention. Also we are not seeing Chinese "life" on the island so we will get many pictures on our tours of the people and the culture at that time.
Great we did registration, notarization and made the orphanage donation to the director of our SWI..(the same lady that brought Madi to us). She invited us to visit the orphanage where Madi has lived. We will go Thursday. I think it will be hard but informative and it will allow us to take some pictures of people and places that have been Madi's world.

She is adjusting to us beautifully. We are starting to get a few smiles (very short and fleeting, but sometimes even with a giggle). She has said one thing..Bai Bai which means daddy. She is opening up with the way she plays with her toys. She is in diapers but almost always nothing in them when we take them off and she's done both things on the potty. (TMI????, sorry but it excites us).
Fun stuff today...Madi's first swim, I've already gotten her 6 pairs of shoes. (jeff is in trouble ! ), We found 2 places where the food is good to us. Believe it or not a Thai restaurant and an American restaurant with awesome grill cheese....That grill Cheese is currently like a $200 5 course new york dinner to us. Can't be beat. We miss home, miss you guys, but are well, happy and not too homesick yet.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Monday, July 2 - Day 4 GOTCHA DAY!!!!

Well we have her and we are all in love. When we got her it was initially very difficult. She is very, very shy and does not like strangers at all. Most families came and went while it took about an hour for her to even come close to any of us. Our guide, Elvin, and the orphanage director that brought her were so great and caring during the whole thing....Now things are great. Once we got to the hotel she was perfectly fine with me (Dona) and then we went walking around the little town and within an hour she was in Jeff's arms also. Dylan is still haveing to work on her some. I know what you really want are pictures....

Sunday, July 1 DAY 3 continued

Just one little story. Today at the great wall Dylan was treated like a superstar. Not only did he climb it faster and higher than the rest of us...lots of people wanted us to stop so they could take pictures with him. Especially young girls. Those of you who know him, know how that went over !

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sunday, July 1 DAY 3

Well at midnight I woke up and felt like it was time to get up. That would be around 11 am in Texas. By 4 am Dylan and I are both up. That would be 3 in the afternoon if we were home. Pretty good for the first night. The guide said despite how tired you are 3- 3:30 seems to be when most people wake on the first day. WESTERN (yeah) breakfast starts at 6:30 here and then we are off to the forbidden city/great wall. I will add pictures to these posts when we get to Guangzhou.

We love you guys. Even if you don't know us and you are sharing this journey with us we appreciate it. This is the last night the 3 of us will go to sleep without our precious Madi. Dylan pointed that out to me a second ago. He’s going to be the best big brother in the world. He amazes me.

Saturday, June 30 DAY 2

We are here. Our guide is so cute and sweet. It was a relief to get with her at the airport. Once we got through customs, exiting the airport was a mad house. Yes we SHOULD have taken pictures but I didn’t want to have the camera out, plus it was hectic to keep our eyes on our group. Kudos to the Rice’s and whoever thought of us wearing those bright orange shirts at the airport. It was a lifesaver to be able to find our group in the sea of people.
Dylan was GREAT on the plane. (By the way, comparing Labor with Dylan and the flight to China – I would chose labor, my gosh that was hard.) When we got to dinner the first night everything caught up with Dylan. Terrible plane food, staying up all night and I think just stress. He and I had to leave in the middle of dinner and walk back to the hotel because his stomach hurt so bad. He slept it off and woke up great. More on that in the next post. One last thing. Jeff went to the store and he got 3 waters and a bottle of sprite for less than a US dollar. So water for everyone for souveniers (just kidding)

Friday, June 29 DAY 1

We left our house at 4am, Lacy was there early to pick us up and we got off without any problems. Security was fast and fine – every plane was on time. God was with us. We assumed we would fly from Chicago across the US and then across the Pacific to get to China, not the case. We heads straight north from Chicago – going across arctic territory. The other thing interesting to us, I guess because of the significant amount of time difference the sun was up and bright our whole flight. We went from noon Friday to 3pm on Saturday afternoon in China with the sun never going down.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Using The blog...

I've done a simple change in the archiving so that only the three newest posts will show on the first page. If you want to see a post that isn't visible look on the right hand side under "Previous" you can click any of those links to see previous posts.

For those of you following us on this journey we thank you so much for your faithfulness and support. We are grateful for the friendships that have passed the time during these last two years. The next post you see will either be us on our way to get her, or us with her. We are finally here ! Keep us in your prayers we are days away from the journey of a lifetime.
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. Proverbs 19.21

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Travel Itenarary

Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bring your children from the east and gather you from the west. Isaiah 43:5

June 29th - 6:58 am Leave for Chicago - 12:46pm Leave there for Beijing

June 30th - 3:00 pm arrive in Beijing (lose a day because of time change/flight). Staying at the Wangfujing Grand Hotel

July 1st - Tour Beijing - Great Wall, Forbidden City, etc

July 2nd - Fly to Guanzhou early then GOTCHA DAY in the afternoon ! (that means we get Madi). Staying at the White Swan Hotel.

July 3rd - Registration/Notarization

July 4th - Apply for Madi's Passport

July 5th - July 8th - Free days to bond and get to know Madi as a family

July 9th - Tour Six Banyan Temple

July 10th - Madi's physical examination then sightseeing at Shang Xia Jiu Pedestrian Street

July 11th - Visa Appointment then sightseeing at Family Chen's Temple

July 12th - Swearing in Ceremony

July 13th - Leave Guanzhou early for Hong Kong then at 12:45p Leave Hong Kong - 7:20p Land in Dallas (get our day back from time change)

Referral Information

"Now I am about to go the way of all the earth. You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the LORD your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled, not one has failed." Joshua 23:14

Here she is ! .................
We are so happy to announce that we received our Referral.
We got the call on May 1 and recieved these precious pictures the next day on May 2.
Announcing Guang Hai Yu who will soon be Madison Klara Mei. She was born in Guangzhou on March 22, 2005. At her latest measurement she weighed 22 lbs. We are in love with her bright wide eyes and we think we can tell from the picture alone that after all of this time this is God's perfect child for us.
Here names meaning is very pretty and I want to share that with you.
Guang - is her last name and represents the town she is from
Hai - means ocean
Yu - means rain.
You would pronounce Hai Yu something like "Hi you"..we think it's precious and do plan on keeping this alive and in use.
We can tell from the notes in the referral that she did recieve a lot of love and care while she has been in care. There are notes about hugging her and looking into her eyes and that she will give you her lovely smile. What a blessing that God put arms there for her while we have not been able to be by her side.
I also want to share that we sent our first financial committment to our adoption on March 23, 2005 and that would have meant Jeff and I were having some serious conversations on March 22, 2005 about being 100% totally sure that this was God's plan for us...that we were being obedient. We both remember the prayer and conversations the night before. This searching of our hearts all occured on the exact day she was born. God is so good. His plan is perfect. He knew we needed to get on with it already because our daughter had been born. So long story short..the mail went out on the next day and here we are !