Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday, July 9

Today we started with something really fun. Madi's medical examination. It was so minimal, listen to chest, look in ears, throat, weigh and measure. But she threw and absolute fit at each of the 3 stations. Poor Dr. McDowell when we bring Madi home for immunizations. That will be fun. Dylan was invited to stay in the hotel and play with Adam. He is a boy about 2 years younger than Dylan put has provided him with some companionship and friendship on the trip.

After that we shopped a little with families from our group on the way back to the hotel and then in the afternoon we went to the temple. The babies who went were given a blessing wishing them safe travel home and happiness in their new homes. The blessings were given by a Buddhist monk. Elvin stressed that this was not us practicing the Buddhist religion. It was to honor the traditions of our babies homeland and to experience some Chinese culture. We are strong enough in our faith to know that any good wishes put upon us are gifts from our God who we know holds all the power and strength. Tomorrow is red couch pictures, shopping and group dinner. We board our first plan for home in 72 hours from the time I am posting this. We miss everyone and everything so much ! Everyone go right now and drink some water straight from the tap and then thank God for where you are at. China is wonderful, I respect Madi's homeland so much, but it is very different. We are so blessed at home with little things like brushing your teeth and rinsing your toothbrush off straight in the tap. Okay - I'm homesick and we will see you guys soon.


Darla McElwee said...

Yes, looks like you are going to have your hands full with Dr visits.
I am glad that Dylan has made a friend over there. That probably helps his time go faster.
Colby and Steve wanted me to tell Dylan that they really missed him at practice tonight. You know, he is the stud of our team.Everyone wanted to know when he was coming back.
See you all soon.

Aunt Lacy said...

Well I guess Dylan was so easy and Miss Madi is going to make up for that huh. Everyone at our church since their best wishes to all of you. They have been following along since the beginning with us. They have seen pictures and everything. Miss Madi you get more beautiful with every picture. Dylan I know you are ready to get back to friends and life here - hang in there buddy it won't be long.

Love ya

paynes said...

Hey Jeff, Dona, Dylan: We have been following your progress here. We are so excited for you. Madi is a beautiful girl. Hope the plane ride is good, but at least you know you are coming HOME! the paynes